Wednesday 21 March 2012


Recipe from Beti Vanilla at Beti Vanilla

I hope you remember me writing about the fact that very few varieties of cheese are found here.I actually found a store with all varieties of cheese in it.I had been trying to find some mascarpone cheese to make this tiramisu.At first I tried making mascarpone cheese.Trust me, NOT GOOD.I still remember the bitter taste it had.So when I found this shop with all the varieties of cheese I

The Daring Bakers Make : Quick Bread

Recipe adapted from Joy Of Baking at Joy Of Baking

I know its been a LONG time since i've posted new posts.I get really lazy sometimes(read always).This is a late Daring Kitchen Post.I'm really sorry for it. Anyway,I recently joined The Daring Kitchen.Its a really cool cookery contest website.Its not exactly a contest.Its more like sharing recipes.And I got accepted.(Yipeee!)This months topic was Quick Bread.Now, a quick bread is a bread that