Saturday 28 December 2013

Sourdough Bread Endeavour Day 1

 Recipe from The Kitchn

Yes, it's the great Sourdough Bread Endeavor. Don't know what that is? No worries cause I just invented that term a few minutes ago! My friend , Namitha of My Family And Me had posted a bread recipe. And that lead me check on a variety of breads. I had no idea there were so many breads. After a few minutes of looking at the recipes I settled on the Sourdough bread. Now, my tryst with the Sourdough Bread is years long starting from me watching the Home Alone 3 movie where the lady next door, whose name I forget, had brought  'The Famous San Francisco Sourdough Bread' and instead of bringing it home she had accidentally picked up the wrong baggage which had a toy car instead. Of course that's the reason the whole movie is there. So, as a kid watching the movie I was fascinated with the name imagining all kids of flavours wondering what that bread tasted like. We of course do not get any bread other than plain white bread and occasionally wheat bread here. So, I had always wanted to try that one.

And I met the Sourdough bread again just today while looking for bread recipes. And the whole recipe seemed challenging. And challenges are something I love. So, deciding to start making the bread, I began The Sourdough Bread Endeavour. I call it an endeavour cause it takes days to make and I am someone with

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope Santa gives you loads of presents!

It's christmas and I thought I thought i'd begin my blog. It's been long since I had posted. And I'm starting with a little sweet. a cake. Or much better a Christmas Chocolate Cake. Now, this cake is pretty much simple. The icing I used is Whipping cream and it takes away the hassles of a butter icing! I hope you enjoy this cake.

Chocolate Christmas Cake

For the Cake
Flour- 100g
Butter - 100g
Sugar - 100g
Egg - 2
Baking Powder - 2 tsp
Baking Soda - 2 tsp
Caramel Syrup - about 4 tbsp
Cocoa Powder - 50g

For the Icing
Whipped Cream


Beat the butter and sugar until the mixture is soft. Add the yolk of the eggs and beat well. In another bowl beat the egg whites till they form stiff peaks. Sift together the Flour, baking powder, baking soda, and cocoa powder. Add it to the butter mixture. Mix well. Add the egg whites beaten and fold well. Pour into a cake tin and bake at 150degrees for 25 minutes or until ready.


Beat the whipping cream until soft peaks are formed, add the cocoa powder and beat well. The icing is ready!